Thursday, May 14, 2009

Mama Said, "There'll Be Days Like This..."

This entry is a bit late, post-Mother's Day and all, but I've had my mom on my mind that I felt like I needed to write about her. I was just telling my coworker about how I showed my mom my new tattoo and the reaction I got out of her, and how my mom has just become the coolest mom I know but it definitely took a lot of work to get to where our relationship is now.

My mom loves me to death, anyone and everyone who's met her or who's known me long enough will know that I am the apple of her eye (a little confident with these words, but 'tis true!) And the sweetest part of it all, is that she makes sure I know it. Ever since she and my dad divorced, she vowed to make me her priority and to raise me in a home that wasn't any different from a home with two parents. So in a sense, she gave me double the love..and I can't complain :) I was definitely spoiled, but I use this word with caution because people get the wrong idea from it. Yea, I'm my mom's only child and yea I could easily get anything because I'm all she has, but trust me things did not come as easy as I wanted.

Nonetheless, she was always there for me. Every parent-teacher conference, volleyball game, dance recital or competition, awards ceremony, field trip--even down to the places I didn't want her to be at, especially the mall days being a bopper and all. If you were my friend in middle school, you knew that it would be Nicole+Mom. And the funny thing was, I wasn't embarrassed to have her around. It was annoying at times and it got way more annoying in high school, but that's my mom for ya. She was my biggest fan and supporter, and I couldn't have expected anything less.

High school swung around and I swear it was as if we were arch enemies from a past life. It seemed as if everything I did was not ok in her book, not even breathing hahaha. I snuck around, lied to her, you know the normal teenage stuff. She had all my friends' contact info and sure enough if I didn't pick up my phone or return her call within 3.5 seconds, she had a search party out for me. Having a boyfriend was the hardest ordeal of my life (so if you were with me during these tough years, props to you for hanging in there!) I couldn't even go to a public school dance until my Sophomore year and I had to literally beg her and agree to be home at 11pm.

I finally started to gain a little breathing room when I moved away for college. Oddly enough, it was me calling her asking why she wasn't calling ME! It was a home away from home, and I enjoyed my freedom. The weekend visits became less and less and I started to stay in SF more often. If anything, it was what we needed. She started to see me as an adult and slowly let go of her grasp. But of course, I would always come crawling right back to her when I needed her.

I can't fully explain the special relationship I have with my mama, but all I know is that I am truly a reflection of her and her unconditional love. I wouldn't have it any other way. In retrospect, I can say that I've told myself that I would never turn out to be like her, but honestly I wouldn't mind now. I would be honored to be half the woman she is and I can only follow in her footsteps. She is a best friend, an amazing nurse, a great listener and teacher, a sassy frass if you cross her, someone who isn't afraid to speak her mind and heart; strong-willed, thoughtful, self-less, never forgets, will always dot her i's and cross her t's; above all, the best mom a daughter could ask for (of course I'm biased when I say this!).

So, thank you, Mom! Thank you for all the nagging, snooping & spying, lecturing, grounding, denying...but above all, I thank you most for nurturing, believing, cheering, guiding, loving. I wouldn't be who I am today and where I am today without everything you did to get me here. I'll admit it here finally, "You were right all along." I love you.

p.s. When I was little, I asked you if we would still be Mom and Nikki in Heaven, and I sure hope God remembers to reunite us cuz if not, I know you'll have a search party ready and God will definitely be hearing it from you ;)

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